Oral Conscious Sedation Dentist Kalamazoo, MI

Sedation Dentist in Kalamazoo MIOur dentist in Kalamazoo, MI, may recommend oral conscious sedation to relieve dental anxiety and pain. During your next visit, Dr. Bandos will be able to determine which form of dental sedation is most appropriate for your upcoming procedure and answer any questions you may have.

At Kalamazoo Smiles, our team is highly experienced and will monitor you throughout the sedation process to ensure your safety and comfort.

Types of Sedation Dentistry

Laughing Gas

Laughing gas been a standard method of dental sedation for decades. This is a gas you inhale during your dental procedure, inducing a state of relaxation while minimizing pain. Laughing gas is a safe and reliable form of sedation dentistry that can be neutralized with oxygen, which means the recovery time is quick. In fact, you’ll be able to drive yourself home after your appointment.

Oral Conscious Sedation

Oral sedation is a stronger sedative than laughing gas, but you’ll still be responsive during your procedure. Oral conscious sedation will put you in a state of deep relaxation that still allows you to stand, walk, move, or answer any questions our dentist might have during the procedure. Many patients who opt for oral conscious sedation have little to no memory of their dental procedures after the fact, which can be a relief for those with dental anxiety.

General Anesthesia

Under general anesthesia, you will be completely unconscious for your dental procedure. This type of sedation is typically administered through an IV and eliminates any pain or anxiety, making it an attractive option for oral surgery or for patients who are afraid of the dentist. You will need to have a friend or family member drive you home after receiving general anesthesia.

Your safety is our top priority. At your appointment, be sure to tell us about any medications or supplements you might be taking, any allergies or health concerns you might have, or any other questions about your procedure.

Book a Consultation for Sedation Dentistry

Dr. Katherine Bandos is proud to serve as your local dentist in Kalamazoo, MI. To schedule an appointment and learn if you’re a candidate for sedation dentistry, please call Kalamazoo Smiles at (269) 353-3700. You may also fill out our online contact form and someone from our team will reach out to you soon.

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